How The Journey Began

I would like to present these writings to every soul who has inspired my life. If I have inspired yours’, my journey will be complete! 

A very special ABUNDANCE OF GRATITUDE to my PATIENT soulmate, ALL of my children and grandchildren, and OUR XTREME FREEDOM ~ U-MATTER TEAM. You have inspired me on my journey in the most rewarding and exciting ways. You have made me a better human being on this earth. I would not change one thing about our lives together because that’s what made us who we are today. My hope is that you are able to use nature to find your own balance and true self and take the guidance within you to make choices for your own journey to find peace within while focusing on joy, gratitude, acceptance, and appreciation.

My name is KATHLEEN HAVEL AKA LEENIE and my journey began at a very young age.  I had strong visions of a different kind of world. As I grew, my visions became clearer and more focused.  As a Pisces and water sign, born on March 17, yep, St. Patrick’s Day, my journey has allowed me to gather tools to help others bring alignment with their purpose. 

In 1988, I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in Accounting, Finance, and Management Information Systems from SUNY Buffalo. After graduation, I successfully completed the CPA and EA exams.  

I spent my 20’s in the most joyous state of being, giving birth to my three children.  I started a tax practice which allowed me to be home to raise my children. We used paper, pencil and calculators! My mom and I went door to door in the middle of winter in NY placing flyers on people’s doors to advertise the business.  In our 30’s, my husband, and soulmate, SONNY, joined in a very unique bond with our seven children.  In our 40’s, we built an XTREMELY successful tax and accounting practice.  We grew the business from 300 clients to over 3,000 clients in less than 8 years using the SMART Laws of the Universe! Our success came with a price; working 20 hour days; technology and government changes were extremely challenging!

In my late 40’s, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and completely understood that MORE WAS LESS and ORGANIC MAKES A DIFFERENCE!  I am proud to say that I am FINALLY back…ALL OF ME…I am fully grey, FREE OF ALL MEDICATION and enjoying our XTREME FREEDOM lifestyle business, while maintaining a constant BALANCE between WELLNESS and WEALTH!  Our purpose is to teach others the same!

In January 2017, we serviced our clients with the help of a woman who we had known since 2004.  We were originally supposed to collaborate on these XTREME FREEDOM adventures together in our new cloud system but after 2 years of working together, we mutually decided our futures were better spent separated. Our comfort zone was no longer balanced in our company, which was a huge part of our lives.  We decided to move forward and embrace our differences in visions and give ourselves permission to dream again. 

We spent the next 10 years re-discovering ourselves.  Loving yourself and setting boundaries became our new mottos.  It is through our astrological birth charts and our inspirational doctor that the universe continues to remind us of why we are here. We let go of everything that wasn’t serving us to fulfill our purpose all while focusing on joy and gratitude.  Surrender is fun, when you understand it at an XTREMELY high level.  “CANCER HAD TRULY CHANGED ME!”

After 33 years, we went from computers to networks and a full time staff to a cloud system.  Organization and efficiency so we can spend more time empowering you in your goals and dreams allowing our relationship to flourish. Our wellness tools give us more energy and clarity allowing a 20 to 30 hour work week! Giving everyone the lifestyle we came to this world to enjoy!

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